C. Barrow Engineering - Custom machining and engineering services
Land-Rover Steering Boxes

Land-Rover Steering Boxes

I specialise in the overhaul and repair of worm-and-nut steering boxes as fitted to Series One models. I can make new nuts to suit existing components, rebore worn casings and more. Please contact me to discuss your needs.

Inner columns

I have a large number of LHD 80” Land-Rover inner steering columns and nuts available for purchase, as well as a small selection of 86”/107" in left and right hand drive. For others, and RHD 80" models, please contact me to discuss.

Inner columns with nuts are £80 each plus P&P (worldwide shipping available).

Steering Relay Distance Piece 230184

These are now available to purchase, made to the original Rover specification and dimensions.  

 Priced at £10 per pair delivered within the UK (worldwide shipping available at an additional cost).